New York City
Command Post for Business Development,
Urban Adventures,
Antiheroes, and Delicious Ramen Burgers
What’s new in New York
Everything! The good old Big Apple is buzzing like a (high-tech) beehive and we’re very
excited to be a part of this ecosystem. Right now, New York is experiencing quite the
renaissance in tech and and innovation, backed by a stampede of forces. The city has
newly put in place great new policies to help build a talent pipeline in tech.
Meanwhile, lots tech players and funds are newly drawn to our bedrock industries, like
fashion, media, marketing and finance. Also, VC has taken a huge leap and employment in
tech has skyrocketed, so it’s seriously an exciting time to be here.
We know you’re excited too. And if you enjoy the odd ramen burger from time to time, and
are searching for a partner who can create tech in transformative ways—we want to talk.

The Office
Lateral’s youngest office opened in late 2015 on Wall Street, as a part of our
venture for sustained growth. We came here because we like innovation, inspiration
and good food. And we found all of that—plus more. Like us, most people here are
from somewhere else. And like us, most people have a dream and they won’t quit until
that dream comes to life. There is a lot of potential here for ambitions to grow,
because everything is imaginable in a place that changes from one minute to the
A very long time ago, Heraclitus—the “Weeping Philosopher”—may have imagined a place
like New York when he said, “All things….are in flux like a river.” Not such a long
time ago, this city wasn’t so prominent in the tech scene as it is now—in fact, New
York only knew unicorns as majestic creatures that belonged to the Bay Area. But the
concrete jungle has seen an explosive change in its tech scene and over the last two
years, over a dozen startups have been valued over $1 billion, with several more
waiting to pounce over the 10-figure threshold soon.
This great change in the city’s tech space is palpable everywhere and down here in
Wall Street, our little Lateral office grows a little bit each day. Things are
indeed in flux, and we feel the peaks and the troughs, the bumps and the whirls,
which are all a part of the ride. And when the ride gets a little wild, and things
get a little stressful, we tend to glove up and take a few swings at each
other…although, this happens in a controlled environment, under the watchful eye of
our beloved boxing instructor and we call it team building.
At this point, we don’t really know what the tech industry in New York will look
like in another few years. We just know it’s growing fast and it’s too big and too
dynamic to stop. We’re quite enjoying the ride though, and the city makes sure to
keep us entertained as she sings her daily soundtrack of over 800 languages in the
background. And somewhere we think, the Weeping Philosopher is dancing.